VIRTUAL Exhibits
Can’t make it to the Museum? Take a virtual stroll through some of our past exhibits and items from our collection that are rarely displayed.
Explore our gallery of beautifully handcrafted 3D models. Click on a picture below to view the models, you can zoom in or turn the model over to examine the detail as if you were holding the real thing.
Each model took over ten hours to create and the team of artists paid close attention to recreating every detail of the artifacts. Due to the high level of detail it may take a few seconds to load, please be patient, we promise it’s worth the wait.
League of Women Voters Pin (LWV)
The League of Women Voters (LWV) of Clark County organized the same time women were gaining the vote nationally. Today the LWV of Clark County work to empower voters and defending democracy. This pin is from the LWV archive that is cared for at the Clark County Historical Museum.
Alta Mason/Interstate Bridge Souvenir
This souvenir commemorates the 1917 span of the Interstate Bridge. Many items in our collection still hold stories waiting to be discovered. This is one such item. Alta E. Mason, who is believed to be pictured here, has not shown up in historical records related to the Interstate Bridge. To this day, work continues to idenfity her connection to this iconic structure.
Linda Davis Campaign Pin
Many women from Clark County have ran for and attanited local, state, and national office. This is one of many local campaing buttons held by the museum. This speicifc pin is for Linda Davis’ campaign. Davis ran as a Republican canidate for the 49th Legilative District in Washington State in the mid 1980s.
This is a parasol is an interesting item because of its ornate nature and detail. It has a gold-colored metal handle with heathery floral relief pattern and a bulb end. It also includes the monogram “Mrs. A.A. Estabrooks” on end. Another mystery of our collection, records have yet to be uncovered that reval the story of Mrs. Estabrooks.
Wintler Flag
Small wooden desk American flag stand with brass plaque engraved, “Miss Ella Wintler, Legislative Banquet, Olympia B.P.W.C. February 16, 1963.”
Val Ogden Pin
Valeria (Val) Ogden was elected to the Washington State House of Representatives in 1990 representing the 49th District, serving for 12 years. This pin is from her campaign for Clark County Freeholder.
Sacred Heart
In 1856, Mother Joseph led a group of four missionary sisters from Montreal to the Washington Territory. The sisters came with the intention of caring for the poor and sick, establishing a school, and bringing their faith to the community. Subsequently, she would endure a number of arduous journeys throughout the Pacific Northwest over two decades to raise the necessary funds to build and maintain educational and healthcare institutions. The grandest of these efforts was Providence Academy. This reliquary was reported to have been used at Providence Academy starting the 1860s.

Women for Reagan Pin
The museum holds a large collection of political buttons. This is one of the few buttons representing a natoinal campaign.
Women's Uniform
Mary Ellen Bates (1920-2013) was a decorated member of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps who served during WWII and Korea. She retired as a lieutenant colonel in 1973. After retirement, she worked on Vancouver’s Planning Commission and the YWCA. This is the WAC uniform belonging to Mary Ellen Bates.
Name Plate
Ella Wintler was born August 10, 1885 in Vancouver. Ella graduated from Vancouver High School in 1903, after which she taught in elementary school for several years. Ella was elected to the Washington House of Representatives in 1938 and served for ten terms, losing elections when Democrats won the majority and winning when Republicans were in the majority. She retired from politics in 1964. Ella passed away on April 17, 1975.
Smelling Salt
This smelling salts bottle has been used by Joyce Elizabeth Davis who came to the West via the Oregon Trail around 1853 with her husband Ennels Davis. Records are unclear but it appears the Davis stopped in Sacrametto for a period of time. There they had two children. It is believed Joyce died in Sacrametto in 1858. A short time after, Ennels with his two children traveled north to Southwest Washington where the family put down roots.
Lucky Lager Can
In the 1950s, Lucky Lager Brewing Company bought a local brewery and started producing its brew in Vancouver. The Vancouver plant on August 22, 1985, thus ending the longest Lucky Lager production in the brewery chain: 35 years. This is a bicentennial comemorative can produced by Lucky Lager.
Kaiser Shipyard Bracelet
This metal bracelet was made by donor’s father while employed at Kaiser Shipyards.Made from copper wire. It represents crafts and artistic works that were made by workers in the shipyards during WWII.
Here are a pair of portrait brooches that decipt the parents of Ella Whipple. Ella is one of many important women in Clark County’s history. After graduating from public schools in Vancouver, she earned a B.S. degree from Willamette University and taught for ten years. She subsequently obtained a medical degree, opened a practice in the city, was city health officer and superintendent of schools. She was a local leader in suffrage and temperance organizations and in the four years when women in the Territory could vote (1883-87) she twice represented Clark County Republicans at their county and state conventions.
Mamie Eisenhower's Hat
Ladies white mesh hat completely covered with white and pink silk flowers, pearlized beads and plastic leaves. White net veil; two large hatpins. Donated to the Soroptimist International of Vancouver by Maimie Doud Eisenhower, January 14, 1955.