Digital Image Order Form and One-Time Usage Agreement

Complete and submit this form. Your order will be reviewed and an invoice sent to you for any applicable fees. For a list of applicable fees, please see our Usage Fee Schedule.

Upon receipt of payment either by credit card, in-person, or mailed check, the image will be sent to you via WeTransfer unless otherwise agreed. Please allow two to four weeks for processing (rush orders incur additional fees and are approved on a case-by-case basis).

    Contact Information


    Intended Use

    Please check all that apply

    Overall Purpose

    Category of Use

    [group print]Number of units: [/group]
    [group broadcast]Distribution: [/group]
    [group decor]Final size: [/group]

    Other Services Requested

    Project Description:

    Image(s) Requested:
    Please copy and paste the image(s) URL(s) from our digital collection page (ex. If images will be printed at different sizes, please indicate the size after the URL.

    Agreement for One-Time Usage and Publication of Images

    1. Two complimentary copies of each publication or production featuring the digital image(s) must be provided to the Clark County Historical Museum (CCHM) Research Library.

    2. Permission is for one-time use only as described in the Intended Use section, with no other rights. Any subsequent use (including subsequent editions, paperback editions, foreign language editions, etc.) constitutes reuse and must be applied for in writing. An additional fee may be charged for reuse.

    3. All images must be credited to the CCHM, regardless of intended use (including personal or reference). Payment of usage fees does not exempt the user from the credit line requirement.

      • With printed matter and web use, the project identifier and photographer's name (if known) must be included in the credit line. The credit line must appear with the item or on a credit page, indicating the page and project identifier numbers for each item. Crediting of each item is mandatory in all cases.
        Sample: Joe Doe photographer, Clark County Historical Museum, cmos00101.tif
        Sample: Clark County Historical Museum, cchm00001.tif

      • With films, filmstrips, slide presentations, and video productions, credit must appear with other credits at the beginning or the end of the production. Project identifier numbers may be omitted.

      • With display or exhibition, please credit each image within the display or exhibition area and include project identifier numbers. Exemption from this requirement must be approved.

    4. User may not reproduce, sell, give, loan, or permit others to reproduce, sell, give or loan the digital image or any facsimile of it, including digital transfer. Additional copies must be purchased from the CCHM.

    5. Images for Internet use must not exceed 100dpi, regardless of image resolution upon transfer.

    6. In authorizing publication of a digital image, the CCHM does not surrender its own right to publish it, or to grant permission to others to do so.

    7. All responsibility for possible copyright infringement and invasion of privacy arising from use of images is assumed by the user. When the CCHM does not hold the copyrights for any of the image use purchased herein, the user must seek usage permission from the legal holder of the copyright, and is solely responsible for any lawsuits arising from failure to seek and acquire usage permission for such image.

    8. The alteration, modification, or manipulation of these images—including but not limited to cropping, colorizing, retouching, or digitally enhancing—is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from CCHM. This prohibition extends to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools or technologies for any purpose that alters the original appearance, context, or integrity of the photographs. These restrictions ensure the authenticity of these historic materials is maintained for educational, research, and archival purposes.

    9. User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CCHM, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright. In the event of litigation, user agrees to pay any and all attorney fees for the CCHM.

    10. Exceptions or additions to these conditions must be amended to this agreement and signed by the user and the CCHM.

    All rights to the image(s) listed on this form (and any attachments) belong to the Clark County Historical Museum. All reproductions require the express consent of the Museum. The undersigned acknowledges this ownership and accepts this as a binding contract.

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